Everyone has that one spare bedroom that ends up becoming a storage room with piles and piles of stuff you don't really need. Let's not forget the very old and outdated furniture! This was that room for us. What started off as a guest room, slowly transitioned into the room everything goes to be forgotten.
The Purge
My first step in this makeover was purging it of all the stuff we did not need anymore. Coming from an African family with a mom that likes to keep EVERYTHING, this proved to be the most difficult task of all.
This is just a small sample of the amount of stuff I ended up either donating or throwing away. In the end, it was upwards of 10-15 garbage bags full. Once I got the room cleared out, I began tacking my first project; painting and an accent wall.
Black Shiplap Accent Wall
Since this was the very first bedroom I was making over, I knew that I had to keep the budget small! I found some great hacks to get the look I wanted with a price I felt comfortable with.
Let's start off with the accent wall. To cut costs, I chose to do a faux shiplap style by using underlayment plywood and having Home Depot cut the sheet down to 6" strips. Once I got that home I began measuring and cutting the pieces to length and adding them to the wall using my nail gun (all materials and tools will be listed below).
Tools Required (affiliate links below)
1) Nail Gun and 1" nails
3) Paint Brush
4) Level
5) Spacer (I just used a ruler from the dollar store)
6) Mitre Saw (or a hand saw)
7) Oscillating Tool (to cut any holes for electrical outlets)
8) Paint colour is Black Magic by Sherwin Williams
Materials Required:
I had most of the tools already so this project only cost me $30 for 2 sheets of underlayment!
Yellow pillow inserts/cover: Ikea
Blue pillows: Walmart
Throw blanket: Walmart
Lamps: Ikea
Hexagon shelves: ME! (If you are located in the GTA DM me on instagram if you would like to purchase these)
I also added the baseboards myself (check out my instagram for a hack that will save you $$) and gave the closet doors a bit of a makeover as well. All in all, I love how the bedroom turned out. It looks modern but very cozy. For more details on the other projects I took on in this room make sure you check out my Instagram highlights!
Thank you all for reading and following along on my DIY journey!